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Here is your guide to the conference website and its features.

If you need additional assistance, contact us at

Create a login

Create a Login

To attend any session at the Kaldor Centre Conference, you first need to register.


Once registered, participants may access the delegates area of the conference website.

To enter the delegates area, you must create a login.

1. Click on 'Log In' at the top right of the website

2. Enter your first and last name

3. Enter the email address you used to register for the conference.

4. Create a password

Once you have created a login, you will be able to access the delegates area by clicking 'Lobby' on the home page menu.

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Reset your password

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Reset your password

If you have already created a login, but have forgotten or need to change your password, you can reset your password by clicking on 'Forgot password?' on the login screen. You'll receive an email with a link where you can create a new password.

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Manage your profile and notifications

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Manage your profile and settings

You can manage your profile settings on the 'My Profile' page, accessed through the dropdown menu on the top right. 

Please take a moment to add some information about yourself in your profile, so that other delegates can get to know who else is attending.


By default, your profile is visible to other delegates, unless you unchecked this option during signup. If your profile is public, you can follow members, chat with them, and leave comments, like posts. If you wish to make your profile private, instructions are below.

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Add profile information


Please take a moment to add some information about yourself in your profile, so that other delegates can get to know who else is attending.


1. Click 'Edit' in your profile card

2. Add your name and your organisation in the format Name (Organisation)

3. Upload a profile picture

4. Under 'About' add any information about yourself you would like to share with other delegates. Please consider including your social media handles if you are open to connecting with others

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Make your profile private

To make your profile private, hover over the dots in the top right of the profile card. Select 'Make profile private'.

Note that if your profile is private you will not be able to post in the Forum, or use the chat function.


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Notifications can be seen on the purple bell icon in the top right. If you see a red circle with a number in it this indicates that you have notifications. Click on the icon to view your notifications.​

You will receive notifications if:

- someone 'follows you' (see Networking opportunities below for more information)

- someone likes or comments on your posts in the Forum

- someone whom you follow posts in the Forum

You can manage your notification settings on the Settings page, which can be accessed through the dropdown menu on the top right. Choose whether you would like to receive email notifications if other delegates like, comment or follow your posts in the Forum, or if they send you message through the chat function.

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Panel sessions

All sessions can be accessed through the Lobby. Scroll down to 'Find sessions', and click the 'Join session' button.

Panel sessions will be hosted on Zoom webinar. You do not need to have a Zoom account to access these - clicking on the 'Join session' button will open the Zoom webinar in a separate window. Panel sessions can be viewed in your browser.

Delegates will not be able to turn on audio and video during the panel sessions, but will be able to ask questions through the Q&A function.

Access panel sessions
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View recordings of panel sessions
How breakout sessions will work

Viewing recorded sessions

Recordings of panel sessions will be available within 24 hours. You can access these through the Lobby. Scroll down to 'Find sessions', and click the 'View recording' button.

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Breakout sessions

Breakout sessions provide an opportunity for a facilitated live discussion with other delegates.


Breakout sessions will be held using Zoom meetings. You do not need to have a Zoom account to access these - clicking on the 'Join session' button will open the Zoom meeting in a separate window. Breakout sessions can be viewed in your browser.

In breakout sessions, delegates can participate with video, audio and chat. The sessions will be have a dedicated facilitator who will help to keep the discussion flowing.

Delegates can suggest issues for discussion in the breakout sessions in advance through the Forum, and can also raise questions live through the Zoom chat function.

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Access the discussion forum


The Forum is a space to post questions for the speakers to consider in the panels, and to engage in discussion with other delegates.

All delegates can view posts in the Forum. In order to comment or like posts in the Forum, delegates must 'join the community' by making their profile 'public' (meaning it can be seen by other delegates, not by the general public). This will also enable you to send messages to other delegates through the chat function. (See 'Manage your profile and notifications' above)

The Forum has dedicated sections to:

  • Submit questions for the speakers and breakout sessions

  • Chat and connect with other delegates

  • Ask the organisers any questions that you can't find the answer to in this Help section.

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Submit questions for the speakers

Submit questions for the speakers

Ahead of the panel sessions, you can submit questions for the speakers through the Forum. Questions will be shared with the panel chairs, and we will do our best to cover as many as we can during the panels. Breakout sessions will provide an opportunity for deeper and more discussion of some questions submitted.

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When you click on the 'Questions for the speakers' section under the Forum (indicated above), you will see a dedicated section for each of the panel sessions. Click on the name of the session that you are interested in, and you will see a screen similar to that below.

Click the purple 'Ask a Question' button to submit a new question. You can see and vote on questions submitted by others. To vote, click on the title of the post, and click on the heart symbol below the question.

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'Chat and connect' in the Forum

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'Chat and connect' in the Forum

The 'Chat and connect' section of the Forum provides a space to discuss any substantive issues that might be relevant to conference delegates. You might like to:

- Start or join a conversation about some of the themes of the conference

- Raise or discuss your questions or ideas after watching a live or recorded panel session

- Comment on notes from the breakout session discussions, which will be posted here in this section

- Start an 'interest group' discussion, eg. emerging scholars, regional areas, research topics

- Share information or make an announcement

Click on the purple 'Start a Discussion' button to start a new discussion. 

To view or join an existing discussion, click on the post title. You can click 'Follow post' to receive notifications about activity relating to the post (likes, comments, etc).

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Networking opportunities

Networking opportunities

Under the 'Network' section of the menu, you can view the profiles of other delegates.


Note that the search bar in this section will only pick up information from the profile cards (name and organisation), rather than the more detailed information contained in each delegate's 'About' section. If you wish to connect with other delegates around a particular subject, you may like to post in the 'Chat and connect' section of the Forum.

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Chat and messaging

You can use the chat bubble in the bottom right hand corner to start a conversation with up to five other delegates.

Please keep in mind that delegates will have different preferences for connecting with others during the conference. Some will be keen to network and connect with other delegates; others may prefer simply to watch the panels. You may like to check delegates' profiles on the Profile page, to see if they have indicated a willingness to connect.

To start a chat with another delegate:

You must be logged in and have a 'public' profile.

2.    Click the chat box at the bottom right.

3.    Click + New Chat.

4.    Select the person you'd like to chat with.

5.    When the person replies to your message, you will receive a notification 

To start a new group chat:
1.    You must be logged in and have a 'public' profile.
2.    Click the chat box at the bottom right.
3.    Click + New Chat.
4.    Click New Group Chat.
5.    Add members to your group by clicking their names. When your list is ready, click Next.
6.    Enter a name for your group. 
7.    (Optional) Click the camera icon to select a group image. 
8.    Click Create.

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